Galata before Genoese

Located at the centre of what would later become the "European Quarter" of the Ottoman capital of Istanbul ( Constantinople ), Galata boasts a history as long and every bit as fascinating as its neighbour across the Golden Horn. Most people know Galata only as the Genoese trading port founded in the 13th century on the opposite shore of the Golden Horn from the Byzantine capital, Constantinople . However we know from the archaeological record that the hill of Galata was settled from at least the time of ancient Greece. While the historical record confirms that the district was subsequently under constant occupation through the Roman and Byzantine periods, right up until the arrival of the Italians in 1267 . The district of Sykai , as Galata was originally known was first mentioned by Greek Geographer Strabo who lived between 63 BC – c. AD 24 . He described the district as being a hill covered in "marvellous" trees, many of them fig trees. Later, writing ...